Matthes screen printing


Smart Printing Solutions with tradition: Our roots go back to 1 September 1951, when the businessman Hans Matthes and the engraver Heinz Henze founded the company DEKOMAH OHG (Dekorationsartikel Matthes Henze OHG).

Our company history

Over half a century of experience and expertise

The main product was decorative items. Heinz Henze engraved the designs created by the artist and graphic designer Johann Heyer and finished them with colour or foil. Hans Matthes was mainly responsible for order processing.

The company has been based at Scherlingstraße 42 since 1955 and the building has been extended and modernised several times since then.

With the invention of polystyrene, the company expanded its field of activity and began to grow. The first printing machines were purchased. Screen-printed stickers as a new product almost completely replaced the old programme. Since then, the company has borne its current name: Matthes & Henze Siebdruck GmbH.

In May 1984, the  co-founder Hans Matthes passed away. His  sons, Bernd and Johannes Matthes, were already working in the company at this time. Bernd Matthes took over sole management of the company in 1993.

With the start of the "computer age", the company was adapted to the new framework conditions: Modern machines and innovative technologies allowed for a more customised product portfolio. The customer base expanded to include the whole of Germany.

The next generation takes responsibility

Half a century after its foundation, the family business celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2001.

In 2015, the next generation took on responsibility: Michael and Matthias Matthes became partners in Matthes & Henze Siebdruck GmbH and Matthes und Henze Siebdruck OHG. Together with their father Bernd Matthes, they pushed ahead with securing the future - with success.

Bernd Matthes


Matthias Matthes

Betriebsleitung / Kalkulation

Michael Matthes

Betriebsleitung / Kalkulation / QMB

In April 2017, two organisations honoured the Iserlohn printing company for its exemplary management:

TÜV Rheinland awarded the ISO 9001:2015 certificate for effective quality management at an international level. Around one million companies in 180 countries - like Matthes & Henze - successfully implement this recognised standard for quality management.

The credit agency Creditreform awarded the CrefoZert. This certificate attests to consistently good business behaviour and a good forecast for future business performance. Only 1.7 per cent of all German companies are allowed to carry this award.

Today, the print company is a medium-sized, multi-certified company in its third generation. Matthes & Henze Siebdruck GmbH has held its own on the market for more than seventy years - with smart and innovative printing solutions from the Märkischer Kreis.

Our satisfied customers at home and abroad are our reference.


1. September 1951: The businessman Hans Matthes and the engraver Heinz Henze found the company DEKOMAH OHG (Dekorationsartikel Matthes Henze OHG).


The company moved to its new site at Scherlingstraße 42 in 1955, and the production facility has been expanded several times since then.


In May 1984, co-founder Hans Matthes passes away. His sons, Bernd and Johannes Matthes, were already working in the company at this time.


Bernd Matthes takes over the management after the death of Heinz Henze in October 1993.


The family business celebrates its 50th anniversary.


Michael and Matthias Matthes become partners in Matthes & Henze Siebdruck GmbH and Matthes & Henze Siebdruck OHG.


Matthes & Henze screen printing receives awards from two independent testing organisations for its exemplary management: TÜV awards the ISO 9001:2015 certification for efficient quality management. Creditreform certifies exceptionally good creditworthiness and reputable business practices with the CrefoZert certificate.


Expansion of production options with a laser cutting machine.


Expansion of the machine park in relation to the realignment of front foils / membrane keyboards. ¾ Thieme 3010 automatic machine, Thieme 520 semi-automatic machine, Vitessa SPS fully automatic machine, punching press.


Matthes & Henze screen printing is a medium-sized company with more than 25 employees that has been certified several times. It is now in its third generation and is proud to be able to work for a global network of customers.

Our team

A strong team for perfect production

Bernd Matthes

Managing Director

Matthias Matthes

Shareholder /
Management / Costing

Michael Matthes

Shareholder /
Management / Costing / QMB

Annette Matthes

Office - Accounting / Shareholder

Tanja Flügge

Office - Administration

Heike Krzyzanowski

Office - Administration


Nicole Wernicke

Office - Administration

Maik Lindert

Graphic - Media designer

Denise Schlaak

Graphic - Media designer

Sebastian Grosser

Graphic - Media designer

Antje Wellmer

Graphic - Media designer

Paul Ständeke

Graphic - Media designer

Sebastian Schipper

Deputy Head of Screen Printing

Matthias Goldschmidt

Screen printing media technologist

Carola Hecker

Screen printing media technologist

Frank Brener

Screen preparation

Leon Mathis Werner

Screen preparation

Tatjana Radeva

Production assistant screen printing

Marco Danielski

Screen printing media technologist

Frank Dohle

Processing / dispatch

Muharrem Pushkolli


Bojan Koci


Kerstin Werner

Processing / quality control

Nicole Stindt

Processing / quality control

Jessica Kröhnert

Processing / quality control

Anita Wache

Digital print finishing

Machine park

Precise hi-tech meets analogue classic

We are certified

Two independent organisations confirm our uncompromising quality standards: TÜV Rheinland awarded us the internationally recognised DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification for exceptional quality management. The credit agency Creditreform certified our exemplary business behaviour with the CrefoZert. Only 1.7 per cent of all German companies are allowed to carry this award.

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© Copyright 2025 Matthes & Henze Siebdruck GmbH
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