Cheap alternative to name tags

Textile labels

You too can use our colour-printed textile labels as uncomplicated name tags and labels.

Fast and affordable: self-adhesive textile labels are a cost-effective alternative to the widely used plastic name tags. Textile labels are made of acetate silk. They are flexible, adhere well and can be removed without leaving a trace in the vast majority of cases.

Suitable for

  • the authentication of persons
  • labelling of sensitive goods
  • quick and uncomplicated labelling


  • Name tags
  • Labelling
  • Race numbers on jerseys
Textile labels are very elastic, have a shimmering silky sheen and are particularly suitable for affixing to clothing

Textile labels, also known as acetate silk labels, are made from an artificial silk structure. The material is made from cellulose fibres. The properties are similar to those of real silk: this is particularly true of the characteristic silky sheen and high elasticity.

Not a permanent solution, but quick to deploy and flexible

The textile labels are considerably cheaper than conventional name tags. They also have the advantage that they can be applied to surfaces flexibly thanks to their elasticity and adhere very well. They stick to all textile fibres.

Despite their strong adhesion, the acetate silk stickers can be removed without leaving any residue. The adhesive label is designed for use on textiles.

Please note: this does not apply to suede, velvet, silk and other fine fabrics, where the adhesive may leave stains. Furthermore, the textile stickers cannot be used for permanent labelling. The labels will come off again when you wash them in the washing machine.

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