Screen printing labels & front films for sports equipment

Fitness equipment manufacturers

That's why you should rely on high-quality printed products for your fitness equipment collection. Your customers will appreciate this quality.

Whether in the gym, at the sports club or at home: fitness equipment usually has a brand logo, instructions for correct use, a warning notice and display or control elements. With our screen-printed stickers and specific front foils and membrane keyboards, we enable fitness equipment manufacturers to brand, label and protect sensitive display and input elements. And always in TÜV-certified quality.

Strong adhesives and high-quality materials and colours ensure that the screen-printed stickers produced for fitness equipment adhere for a long time and have a strong visual impact.

The stickers should be tailored to the demands of everyday sports use, for example whether they are used in cardio, strength or functional training.

Stickers, front foils and membrane keyboards for fitness equipment must be able to withstand challenging conditions. If they cannot, they will negatively affect the overall appearance and thus the value of the sports equipment.

Suitable for the following applications

  • Does the label stick in a place where sweat often drips during training? Then waterproof labels are recommended.
  • Do the devices have to be regularly cleaned with disinfectant? There are stickers that are resistant to the substances contained in the disinfectant.
  • Do the athletes touch or brush against the labelled areas when they move? Then the labels used should be scratch-resistant.
  • Do you want to accentuate the design of your sports equipment with lettering and images? Then we recommend transparent films, which are available in a wide range of formats and can be used to attractively showcase brand logos, for example.
  • The display and control panels of cross-trainers, treadmills or steppers are often cleaned or disinfected? The material of our front foils and membrane keyboards is resistant to cleaning agents.

We are certified

Two independent organisations confirm our uncompromising quality standards: TÜV Rheinland awarded us the internationally recognised DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification for exceptional quality management. The credit agency Creditreform certified our exemplary business behaviour with the CrefoZert. Only 1.7 per cent of all German companies are allowed to carry this award.

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