Print quality for safer toys

Toy labels

You too can benefit from our uncompromising commitment to quality.

Individually tailored, using high-quality materials, adhesives and colours – in short: TÜV-certified print quality. This is how we produce game labels in screen printing that adhere for a long time, retain their design and, if required, are virtually indestructible.

Suitable for

  • the creative styling of toys
  • striking packaging design
  • special effects on the product


  • Toys made of various materials
  • For indoor and outdoor use
  • Model construction systems
For us, suitable for children means: reliable, harmless to health and extremely robust.

High-quality toy labels should fulfil a number of requirements:

  1. They must be safe, i.e. they must adhere for a long time and reliably. This means that children must not be able to remove them and swallow them.
  2. The film material, as well as the adhesives and colours used, must be harmless to health.
  3. Even after several hundred hours of intensive play – indoors or outdoors – they should not be affected by water, sunlight or manual handling.

Our printed products fulfil these requirements.

Toy labels provide the special effects that children love

Toys that are loved by babies, children in kindergarten and schoolchildren are not run-of-the-mill. That's why our toy stickers are not either – quite the opposite.

If required, our toy labels can:

  • reflect
  • glow in the dark
  • glow in neon
  • create a 3D effect
  • stick securely behind glass or transparent plastic

In addition to these "playful" properties, our toy labels are extremely robust. If desired, we can produce washable, scratch-resistant, light-fast and particularly age-resistant toy labels for long-lasting fun.

For manufacturers of model building systems: wet decals in impressive quality

Do you represent a company that manufactures and sells model kits? Then "normal" toy labels might be too thick. That's why we offer you the production of wet decals, also known as decals or water decals. These are even flatter.

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