They stick securely on the inside and can be read from the outside

Stickers behind glass

Stick them on the inside, read them on the outside, or stick them once, read them twice – our back-glued stickers are that versatile.

These window labels adapt to the respective challenge and attract attention. We supply window stickers printed on one or both sides. Two different motifs can also be selected for double-sided printing.

Take advantage of this wide range of possibilities.

Suitable for

  • advertising that should be stuck securely behind glass
  • permanent information on car windows
  • double-sided printing


  • Shop window
  • Glass doors
  • Car glass
Optimum protection against vandalism

Botschaft sicher hinter Glas – und immer gut sichtbar. Die Aufkleber und ihre Motive sind somit optimal vor Abreißen oder Bemalen geschützt.

Wir drucken Ihre Leuchtaufkleber ausschließlich im Siebdruckverfahren in beeindruckender Qualität.

Single-sided printing: ideal as a parking permit for the car windscreen or to communicate opening times in the shop window

The single-sided labels are ideal for use as parking permits on car windows, as a prominent notice on glass doors or to display opening hours on shop windows. Your benefits:

  • The labels are behind glass and are well protected against vandalism or peeling.
  • Sun and rain cannot have a direct effect on the labels.
  • The stickers are more durable than other adhesive labels.
Double-sided printing: saves a step and provides additional security

Advantages of the double-sided printed back-glass stickers:

  • The labels can be read from the inside and outside.
  • They fulfil an additional safety function, especially on large glass panes or glass doors, to prevent possible accidents. The labels make it clear to passers-by and customers that they are walking towards a glass front.
  • Easy to apply: the double-sided labels save a step in the process, as once they have been applied, the messages they carry can be seen in both directions.

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personalised advice!

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Sector solutions

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