For labelling and prevention

Dangerous Goods Label

You too can benefit from our TÜV-certified quality for added security.

Their aggregate state varies. However, the danger posed by certain substances during storage or transport is immense. We therefore offer special hazardous goods stickers for the correct labelling and identification of hazardous goods.

Suitable for

  • the proper labelling of hazardous goods
  • the risk assessment by rescue services
  • robust use both indoors and outdoors


  • Dangerous goods
  • Repackaging
  • Transport containers
High-quality screen printing on special films with strong adhesives

Dangerous goods labels must be adapted to the respective transport situation, the respective substance and the individual hazard class. Only in this way can they ensure safe loading, correct transport security and reliable transport of dangerous goods.

In an emergency, i.e. in the event of an accident or disruption, hazard labels make the work of the emergency services easier. They can assess the situation and the underlying danger more quickly and take appropriate protective measures.

Our Dangerous goods labels, which are produced using screen printing, printed on high-quality films and equipped with strong adhesives, therefore comply exactly with the legal requirements.

Cold-resistant, waterproof, resistant to acids and alkalis, UV-resistant, scratch-resistant

The labels are individually tailored to their respective area of application.

  • Should the sticker be stuck directly on the item?
  • Does it identify the packaging?
  • If so, what material is it made of and what shape and size is it?
  • Does the label have to be extra cold-resistant, acid- or alkali-resistant, UV-resistant, water- or scratch-resistant?

Darüber hinaus hängt die Produktion der Aufkleber von der jeweiligen Gefahrenklasse ab. Die von uns produzierten Gefahrgutaufkleber kennzeichnen.

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Sector solutions

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