Extremely durable and resistant

Machine labels

You too can use our strong team to mark machines or to add your advertising.

Machine labels are the tough guys among adhesive labels.

They have to stick reliably and firmly to a variety of surfaces. They must not be damaged by external influences or challenging working conditions. We print machine labels, also known as industrial labels, using durable UV digital printing and screen printing. They are extremely resistant to organic liquids, alkalis, oils and fats.

Suitable for

  • labelling of machines and equipment
  • advertising in challenging environments
  • robust use in the work environment


  • Heating systems and pumps
  • Construction vehicles and lorries
  • Production machines and industrial equipment
  • On doors in production or at the workplace
Withstand extreme weather conditions and high temperatures without losing their legibility

We use a range of extremely robust base films that we adapt to the respective area of application. They are durable and thus guarantee long-term use of the machine stickers. The printing is done in photo-realistic 4-colour printing. The colours are waterproof and do not fade even under aggressive UV light. The stickers reliably withstand extreme weather conditions or high temperatures without losing their legibility.

As robust as the respective requirement demands

Machine labels from our production fulfil the requirements of a wide range of applications: they are scratch-resistant, alcohol-resistant, chemical-resistant and oil-resistant.

An important component is the adhesive used to attach the labels to the respective devices. We use adhesives that are waterproof and do not come off the surface even when exposed to alcohol, aggressive cleaning agents, acids or petrol.

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Sector solutions

© Copyright 2025 Matthes & Henze Siebdruck GmbH
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