Printing process
Screen printing & digital printing

Screen printing process

Screen printing is the most flexible printing process - in terms of the print substrate, shape and print format. Screen printing can be used to print on a wide range of different materials, such as metals, foils, plastics, Plexiglas and polycarbonate. Depending on the application, the print format ranges from a few centimetres to several metres.

In screen printing, the ink is applied to the respective material through a fine mesh using a rubber squeegee. The mesh openings of the fabric are made impermeable to colour using a stencil at the areas of the fabric where no colour is to be printed according to the print image.

Another advantage of screen printing is that the colour application can be varied by using different mesh finenesses. This allows us to achieve five to ten times thicker colour layers than with any other printing process. However, the printing speed is relatively slow compared to other techniques. Screen printing is mainly used in advertising and labelling, in textile and ceramic printing and for industrial applications.

In addition to letterpress printing, gravure printing and flat printing (offset printing), screen printing is also referred to as through-printing, as the printing areas of the screen printing form are permeable to ink. Screen printing is therefore historically regarded as the fourth printing process.

Digital printing

In contrast to screen printing, digital printing eliminates the need for analogue printing preparations - such as film and printing plate production. This is because with digital printing, the existing text or image information is sent from the computer to the printing system in digital form. As the computer controls the printing press directly, this shortens work processes.

The use of computer technology means that each page can be processed and created individually. Printing takes place in the CMYK colour space, which uses four basic colours: cyan, magenta, yellow and key black. Any colour shade can be created by overlaying the four colours.

Due to its low cost, high efficiency, high quality and flexibility, digital printing is the ideal alternative for producing short runs. Digital printing is primarily used to print posters, labels or PVC advertising banners, for example. We would be happy to advise you personally about this technology and other possible applications.

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