Furniture industry

When presenting your furniture collection, rely on high-quality printing expertise to showcase your products perfectly.

Furniture requires comprehensive labelling. In addition to marketing, safety aspects and operating instructions also play a relevant role. Furniture manufacturers can benefit from the certified quality of our sticker and label printing here.

The customised stickers produced using screen printing (and in some cases also digital UV colour printing) convey relevant information to your customers – such as the product data and dimensions or safety and operating instructions. Brand logos and marketing content are also included and must be presented accordingly, for example using individual formats or creative colour combinations.

Suitable for the following applications

  • Transparent stickers are ideal for labelling cabinets and drawers. They have the advantage that they can be stuck on different parts of the product without obscuring the view of the surface underneath.
  • Special back-glued stickers can be read perfectly from both the inside and the outside. This is where you can present additional information about the piece of furniture in an eye-catching way behind glass – without obscuring the front of the furniture.
  • Many manufacturers use 3D stickers to effectively showcase their own brand. This is because the logo appears particularly colourful, vivid and brilliant under the curved surface coating. These stickers, also known as doming labels, are impact and scratch resistant and do not become brittle. This means that your brand remains present for years.
  • Is your piece of furniture so innovative that its functions or new features need to be presented in detail? QR code stickers on the furniture are the answer. They enable interested customers to use their smartphones to find out more about the product online on a website or landing page.

We are certified

Two independent organisations confirm our uncompromising quality standards: TÜV Rheinland awarded us the internationally recognised DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certification for exceptional quality management. The credit agency Creditreform certified our exemplary business behaviour with the CrefoZert. Only 1.7 per cent of all German companies are allowed to carry this award.

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