Zur Dokumentation an Anlagen


You too can use the individually designed maintenance labels for your next order.

Maintenance labels document regular inspections and maintenance of technical equipment – and are our specialists for trade and industry. They are attached to all devices that require regular functional and safety checks. Maintenance labels are robust, can be customised and, with a company logo, are a perfect customer retention tool.

Suitable for

  • the documentation of important measured values and maintenance dates
  • technical systems and devices that are regularly inspected
  • customer retention, directly at the system or device


  • Heating systems (e.g. gas boilers)
  • Fire protection systems
  • Fuse boxes
We print the robust specialists for use on devices and systems using screen or digital printing

We produce the maintenance labels using screen or digital printing, depending on the requirements. It is in the nature of the matter that the maintenance stickers have to be particularly robust. That is why these products are light-resistant and weatherproof for several years. They can be applied indoors and outdoors.

Maintenance labels with company name and logo increase customer loyalty

The labels can be customised to your corporate design and printed with your company name and logo. This ensures that you are always remembered by your customers: in the event of a fault, you are the first point of contact. The label provides a clear and visible means of contacting you.

Get a non-binding and
personalised advice!

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Sector solutions

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